What is Your MS – Step 1b

In my last blog, I had you make a list of the challenges, obstacles, and barriers in your life and match them up with the things they were preventing you from doing, having, or becoming. Sometimes that is all you need to do, and your Major Struggle (MS) becomes obvious. It might just jump out at you, and if it does you will know which challenge you should focus on for part 2 of this strategy.

If you are interested in more information about Rick’s “9 Strategies to Break Through Obstacles and Live Your Dreams” fill in your email address on the right side of this page, and he will send you a free report!.

If you have the lists, but nothing is jumping out at you, look at the things your barriers are blocking you from, and put a check mark next to the most important one(s). If you can pick one, that is your MS.

If you end up with a few, look at just those few and put another check mark next to the most urgent one(s). Pick the one that needs to be dealt with first, or quickest. If you can pick one, that is your MS.

If you still don’t have it down to one, then look just at the ones that have two check mariks next to them, and put another check mark next to the easiest one(s) to overcome. Picking the easiest will lead to the fastest results.  You will see the process work, and can come back to the others once your MS is solved. If you can pick one, that is your MS.

If after all this, you still can’t get down to one, then just pick one, any one, that has three check marks next to it. These are the things that are most important, most urgent, and easiest, so it doesn’t really matter which one you choose.  Just pick one to focus on right now and come back to the others once that one is solved or under control.

Now that you know what your MS is, you can move to step 2, and focus on getting past that challenge. With your focus on that one thing, you will get past it, and be able to come back to solve the others, one at a time, as they bubble to the top and become your Major Struggle. 

If you are interested in more information about Rick’s “9 Strategies to Break Through Obstacles and Live Your Dreams” fill in your email address on the right side of this page, and he will send you a free report!.

My Major Struggle (MS) was Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I have MS, but MS doesn’t have me.