What is Your MS – Step 1a

Do you think it would be easier to overcome barriers if you could focus on one at a time? 

My Major Struggle (MS) was Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  Yours probably isn’t! I have MS, but MS doesn’t have me. Maybe you know what your Major Struggle is, but maybe you don’t.  But which barrier, challenge, or obstacle should you focus on first? Let’s start to figure it out.  If you know what it is, then I suggest you write it down and make sure you know what it is blocking you from doing, having, or becoming. 

If you are interested in more information about Rick’s “9 Strategies to Break Through Obstacles and Live Your Dreams” fill in your email address on the right side of this page, and he will send you a free report!.

If you have a bunch of challenges, then you need to figure out what your MS is, so you can focus on that one till it is solved, or under control, and then move on to the next. So if that is your situation, I suggest you take a piece of paper and make a big T on it, like a balance sheet. Down the left side list all of the obstacles, barriers, and challenges you have in your life. These are candidates for your MS. Having done this, one may pop out to you as being the biggest one. If that happens, just write down what it is preventing you from doing, having, or becoming, and you are done with step one.

If you still don’t know, then I suggest you list on the right side of your T, next to each challenge, the thing or things that it is preventing you from doing, having or becoming. As you do that, you might come across more challenges. If that happens, feel free to add them.  When you are done you will have a list of barriers, on the left, matched up with things they are blocking you from, on the right. Maybe your MS will jump out at you at this stage.

 If you are interested in more information about Rick’s “9 Strategies to Break Through Obstacles and Live Your Dreams” fill in your email address on the right side of this page, and he will send you a free report!.

In my next blog, I will describe a method to filter your lists down till you finally know what your MS is.