What Happened To RickSimon360?

Picture of Rick Simon
Rick Simon

You came to RickSimon360.com, looked at the site and came back to read more, but there was NOTHING MORE! What’s up with that?

Why Did RickSimon360 Go Silent?

I took on too much, trying to do everything at once. Then I lost my job, my MS got worse, I became an AIRBNB host, and my book didn’t sell. I got overwhelmed. I found it difficult writing, speaking, tweeting or posting about how to overcome obstacles when I was in the middle of overcoming some of my own. So my communication stopped. But now the second version of my book is ready, I’m not feeling so overwhelmed and I am ready to share again.

What Was I Trying To Do?

I started this whole process because I have lived with Multiple Sclerosis for a very long time and I learned to overcome obstacles because of it. I wanted to share what I have learned with other people. My original plan was to share the information by speaking from the stage. I’ve been a ToastMaster for a long time and always wanted to be a professional public speaker.

This is something that I can speak with authority about because I’ve been living it since 1982. It got complicated when I took a course on how to become a professional public speaker. I learned that a good way to become recognized as an authority was to write a book on a topic. I could make money by telling my story through webinars, teleconferences, courses and coaching. I should also have a social media presence on Facebook and Twitter.

After I completed a course, I had a vision of many things that I could do to share my life with MS.

I Took On Too Much

Based on the vision, I started trying to do it all. I started working on the all the things I needed to do to. I created a website, started Facebook and Twitter accounts and started writing a book. While I was doing all this I was working a full-time job, but I was making progress. Once I started each of these things, they demanded time, energy and sometimes money to keep them going. That’s when you heard from me.

What Happened?

Then I lost my job. I spent the better part of a year trying to find another one. I had less time and money to devote my plans. I focused on finding a job.

My MS got worse, and I ended up on disability. I wasn’t looking for a job, but we had enough money to survive but not enough to spend on those big plans.

To make ends meet, we started renting out to rooms in our house through Airbnb. Before we could do that we had to do a significant upgrade and redecoration of our house. That took a lot of energy and borrowed money, but it paid our bills.

Through all this, I kept working on my book and got the first version (https://www.amazon.ca/B07QCHCBT7) published. But it didn’t sell!

Why Did That Stop Me?

In short, I had some obstacles that I needed to overcome. It is hard to share how to overcome obstacles when facing obstacles you don’t know how to overcome.

Why Am I Ready To Get Started Again?

The revision to my book is ready and I am not feeling so overwhelmed. I’m ready to get back to communicating with the world about what is happening. I have more lessons to share because I have more experience overcoming obstacles.

I have a plan that combines my activities as a public speaker, an author and a promoter. I will work this plan in a systematic way as my time, energy and money allows. I don’t know how long it will take. I hope having my activities in one plan will let me stay focused on important things like sharing with you.