Use Technology

If you are interested in more information about Rick’s “9 Strategies to Break Through Obstacles and Live Your Dreams” fill in your email address on the right side of this page, and he will send you a free report!

  • Are you a person who delays the adoption of new technologies?
  • Do you wish for the day when cars didn’t have computers, and normal people could actually fix them?
  • Many of us hesitate to use the latest technologies, don’t we?
  • Do you walk with a cane, or do you know someone who does?
  • But what is technology, and why should or shouldn’t we adopt it? concise encyclopedia says it is the Application of knowledge to the practical aims of human life or to changing and manipulating the human environment. It goes on to say Technology includes the use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant and work more productive.

So is a cane, or a walking stick as I long preferred to call it, an example of technology? To see the answer to that, we can first answer “is the cane a tool?” and then answer “does t make life easier”. If the answer to those questions is yes for you, then the cane is technology, isn’t it?

If you are interested in more information about Rick’s “9 Strategies to Break Through Obstacles and Live Your Dreams” fill in your email address on the right side of this page, and he will send you a free report!

So why not use it? Maybe because:

  • You have to figure out what to do with the cane when you get where you are going.
  • You now need two legs and one hand to walk.
  • Some of your muscles may become weak because you don’t use them as much.
  • You may overuse, stress or injure your arm.
  • As you become more dependent you may be less able to walk without it.

I use a cane, and I know from personal experience that these down sides are real. For me the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and we’ll talk another time about how I use more technology to help me deal with the disadvantages.

If you are interested in more information about Rick’s “9 Strategies to Break Through Obstacles and Live Your Dreams” fill in your email address on the right side of this page, and he will send you a free report!