Have a Positive Focus

Do you have any negative thinkers in your life? Do you know anyone who, no matter what you are planning, always has all the reasons why it won’t work? Do you know someone who is always complaining about something? They seem to drag you down, don’t they?

Have you ever been guilty of behaving this way?  I have, but my fiance said something that helped turn things around for me.  You see, I found out that I have Multiple Sclerosis (MS) two days after my (now) wife agreed to marry me.  When I found out I went to her to ‘let her off the hook’, but she said something like “I will marry you in spite of your MS if you will agree to do everything you can do for yourself.”

How did this help to keep me positively focused?  Well, first of all, I took it seriously.  I mean I really liked this girl! I wanted her to stay around.  I believed she was serious about what she had said, so I took it seriously. I started thinking about the things I could do so as to keep my part of the agreement. By thinking about, focusing on, and seeking out the things that I could do, I wasn’t paying attention to the things I couldn’t do.  As a result:

  • I found lots of things I could do, so, in my mind, things weren’t so bad after all.
  • Doing the things I could do led me to succeed in various areas of my life.
  • Thinking about what I could do, made me happier with my life and therefore more likely to succeed. After all, happiness is all in your head, isn’t it?
  • Not spending so much time focusing on what I couldn’t do, helped me stay away from depression.

Don’t get me wrong, over the years there were lots of things that I couldn’t do anymore, and when they happened it was depressing. Giving up dancing was probably the hardest, closely followed by camping and skiing. Those were hard times, but knowing that there were all these things that I was able to do, helped me recover from these ‘setbacks’ more quickly, and get on with living my life in spite of my MS.

If you are interested in more information about Rick’s “9 Strategies to Break Through Obstacles and Live Your Dreams” fill in your email address on the right side of this page, and he will send you a free report!

I guess that is why I am talking about positive focus, as opposed to positive thinking. When I tried positive thinking in the past it always felt like a lie. Positive focus, however, as T. Harv Eker, an author, businessman and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth and motivation and the author of the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” teaches it, acknowledges that not everything is positive in life, but that it makes sense to focus on the positive, because it works!

  • Do you feel better when you are focusing on something positive in your life?
  • If you feel better, are you more likely to do more to improve your situation?
  • If you do more, are you more likely to be successful, to improve your situation and to make that affirmation come true?

So if it works, improves your life, and doesn’t hurt anyone, why wouldn’t you do it? But like Eker, I’m not going to ask you to take my word for it. I just ask that you give it a try.  It works for me, so it might work for you! If it does, keep doing it.  If it doesn’t, stop!

If you are interested in more information about Rick’s “9 Strategies to Break Through Obstacles and Live Your Dreams” fill in your email address on the right side of this page, and he will send you a free report!