Be Fiercely Independent

When you see someone struggling to do something, due to a physical handicap, do you pride yourself on being the one who offers to help? Do you feel insulted or hurt when the person declines your help? Do you ever wonder why they insist on doing it for themselves, even though they are obviously struggling? It would be so much easier for you to do it for them, wouldn’t it?

Why do they insist on doing it themselves? Maybe it’s because they need to be fiercely independent. But why would they need to be fiercely independent?

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My journey to being fiercely independent began with what my wife Judy said to me the night she agreed to marry me, in spite of my MS. She said that she would marry me, in spite of my MS, if I agreed to do everything I could do for myself, in spite of my MS. So how can I make sure I do everything I can for myself, if I accept help every time I struggle to do something? How would I know if that was something I could have done?