Rick Simon

YEG MS Podcast

I have become involved with the YEG MS podcast. Sean Wingrave created YEG MS years ago. Sean has been involved with The Canadian MS Society, started the “Really Long Run To End MS” and created ownmultiplesclerosis.com. I started listening to podcasts during a period when I was having trouble with my vision. It was difficult …

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It’s available for pre-order on Amazon Now

My long awaited book, Living your greatness is available for pre-order on Amazon Kindle now. Do you have obstacles you need to overcome? This book contains 9 ways to overcome obstacles and live your dreams based on more than 30 years of overcoming obstacles brought on by living life with Multiple Sclerosis.

Free Living Your Greatness Tele-Seminar

Rick Simon, creator of the Living Your Greatness System is offering a free tele-seminar on January 7,2014 at 6:00 pm pacific time and 9:00 pm eastern time. To sign up please go to https://ricksimon360.com/free-teleseminar/ Thanks, and I look forward to working with you. Rick Simon – Life Breakthrough Expert I have MS but MS doesn’t have me.